Given the specific needs of our customers, we have decided on standardisation and modularity, with units in series or in parallel.

This approach means more flexibility, controlled capital and operational expenditure, shorter rollout times and a guarantee of quality.

Nobilis centrale

Logo Nobilis

The Nobilis solution for heat production.

Heat recovery of 300 kW per unit.

Total capacity can be expanded by paralleling the modules.


Heat treatment
Hydrocarbon replacement
Steam and heat

Stockage biomasse

The biomass storage unit is an option offered by Naoden. This option can be sold independently.

Transfert biomasse

The biomass transfer unit is an option offered by Naoden. This unit transfers the fuel.


The gasification unit is the master component in our solution. It converts the fuel into synthesis gas (syngas).


The filtration unit is the component that filters the syngas. This unit reduces the particles present, ensuring that the power plant functions properly.

picto solution Nobilis

Recovery of the syngas as heat according to requirements, with specific equipment adapted to each project.

Centrale Imperium

Logo Imperium

Imperium: a solution simultaneously producing electricity and heat.

Minimum recovered: 2MW

Total capacity can be expanded by paralleling the modules.


Remote sites
Urban heating networks
Hospitals/Retirement homes
PPAs (power purchase agreements)

Centrale Imperium

The biomass storage unit is an option offered by Naoden. This option can be sold independently.

The biomass transfer unit is an option offered by Naoden. This unit transfers the fuel.

The gasification unit is the master component in our solution. It converts the fuel into synthesis gas (syngas).

The filtration unit is the component that filters the syngas. This unit reduces the particles present, ensuring that the power plant functions properly.

picto solution imperium

The flare unit is a safety device: starting the micro power plant is started and the engine shut down.

The energy production unit converts the synthesis gas (syngas) into electricity and heat.

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